Ordinary Mishaps

"Come what may and love it!"

Get the ice…..& ibuprofen!

Although Jody is a ‘bit’ younger than I am – I grew up with her older siblings. We did Jr. Possee, High School Rodeo, 4H – horse stuff! Check out the video……..she’s been running a nice mare and doing really well – but there is a reason we do this when we are younger! 🙂

Jody running & \’rolling\’!

July 20, 2011 Posted by | Blahg, Blahg, Blahg, Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

AH…..Teenagers! 2 down 1 to go…………

Seriously – I don’t recall my childhood being anything but pretty normal and well…..good! I mean, I remember asking my mom to write my list of chores so I didn’t have to have them given piece meal….she complied and I was her best housekeeper (don’t ask me what’s happened now at my own home 😦 ) But I tell you, as of late – any time I ask Bug to do anything he ho-hums and moooomm – whine! UGH! He reminds me of Eeyour on Winne the Pooh. The older boys swear we are spoiling him (we kinda are) but I think they had their moments of “poor me” as well.   So……this thought is for him and all the other picked on 15 year olds out there –

Just remember — if the world didn’t suck, we would all fall off!

July 20, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Rednecks ‘oar’ what…..

So bug has been bugging the ol’ boy to build a boat. Although he’s done quite a bit of small wood working projects….a boat was – well just a little more than either of them had in mind. But wanting to do the ‘father/son’ thing they set out to making the barge.. or I mean boat. LOL

Now, I tease with all the love in my heart because I know Bug is pretty proud of the….boat. They were anxious to take it for a test run and could not wait for the lakes to thaw so we headed over to Wilde’s pond in which one half was indeed ready for the launch.

I did take a spin…..litterally as the butt’s thought it was really funny to get us spinning and ‘tipping’ from side to side. Thought I might hurl!!!!

Anyway – they are kinda cute….even in a redneck sort way. Oh and ingenious too – when up a creek without a paddle………use your shovels :0)  You can check out the pics in the Flickr sidebar.

May 16, 2010 Posted by | Blahg, Blahg, Blahg, Uncategorized | , , | 2 Comments

Handicaped Homemaker

So……I have finally decided to bite the bullet and buy my own sewing machine. Yes, it’s true. For those that know me you may ask, as did my husband – “Why? You don’t sew!” Well this is true to some extent, but I have been giving it a go on my levi quilts and baby blankets. More later on just how I came to be somewhat of a levi quilt maker………never and I say NEVER tell me that I can’t do something! LOL oh ‘the girls’ know what I’m talking about!!

This is the picture of the machine I want to put on layaway at JoAnne’s (yes the very store I swore NEVER to enter again). Perhaps I’ll be safe as long as I don’t ask for cotton, coTTon COTTON!  AAAAAAH don’t get me started.

Anyway, if there is anybody out there even reading my blog please post a comment or email me any suggestions. Please note I went with this machine for two reasons. They said it had a ‘non jamming’ bobbin and only 8 stitches to choose from. I’m a person of very limited abilities in the homemaking area…….I try, really I do. My husband refers to me as his Domestic Goddess but I don’t think we’re fooling anyone!! LOL

I’m sure this machine does a few more things but I was sold on the bobbin’ hype. What say ye out there?

It’s the Viking Emerald 116 or 118. Thanks!

April 10, 2010 Posted by | Blahg, Blahg, Blahg, Project Happiness, Uncategorized | , , , | 3 Comments

So whatta ya know….

At the beginning of the year Bug and I decided we would set some goals for ourselves every month rather than for the entire year all at once. So far he has been out doing the ol’ mom by a long shot. Of course I feel like I remind him about his goals and tend to worry and think on him accomplishing his list rather than mine. Go figure! One thing that he and I have done well at together is our scripture reading every morning.

Although we set goals of all kinds I thought I’d talk a little on my spiritual goals. That way I won’t have to publicly admit or post on my never ending butt kicking battle of the bulge! LOL

Building on my faith has always been a struggle, never questioned my LDS faith but my testimony just seems to ‘sit there’ if you know what I mean. This year I was asked to attend the temple more often and I have done that…actually love going to the temple of Friday mornings now. Feel somewhat ….anti social – lol. I would rather just go by myself most times. It is such a great time to reflect and ponder and I just feel like I’m on a bit of a private journey right now.

Aside from temple attendance, morning scripture study and other goals that are a “check off list” type goal, my main purpose is to draw closer to my Heavenly Father and the Savior – to understand the attonement and more importantly how to apply it in my life.

If your wondering about my faith you can hit the CTR button on the side bar and you may be interested in this quick video that would dispell any strange misunderstandings about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.


March 30, 2010 Posted by | Faith....Get Some!, Project Happiness, Uncategorized | , , | 1 Comment